Skip the walk-in clinic and see a doctor online or via phone call from the comfort of your own home. Same day appointments available. If you need prescriptions the doctor can send it right to us and we can have it prepared for you!

How it Works

  1. Visit our online portal page and choose between a video call, phone call or first available.
  2. Fill out the booking form to confirm an appointment time.
  3. A doctor will call you at your scheduled appointment time.
  4. If you need a prescription, the doctor can send it to Lakeside Medicine Centre so you can pick it up or have it delivered as usual.

Book Your Appointment Now

Need Help?

If you have trouble with the process above, our team is here to help. We can walk you through the process or book an appointment on your behalf. Please give us a call at 250-860-3100 or talk to us next time you’re in the pharmacy.

Contact us for help

Telehealth services

You can access a variety of services, including:

  • New prescriptions and refills
  • General health check ups
  • Lab results
  • Check symptoms
  • Mental health counselling
  • Address your health questions and concerns

Book an appointment

To get convenient medical service without the hassle of a walk-in clinic, book your appointment online today.

Book Now